Grow out  Program

Grow out Programs

Want the hen, but don't have the set up for chicks? 

Looking for a particuar breed?  

Look no further! 

We have two options to choose from: 

Option 1: We have chicks you can choose from that we are growing out. Our own barnyard mix, hatchery eggs that I have incubated and pullets that were purchased.  

Option 2: You or I can order a special breed that you want. We will grow out the pullets until you are ready for them. 

If you are intestered in the Grow Out Program feel free to email or message me on Facebook. 

Once the chicks are old enough, and we are able to determine gender, they will be available for new homes. 

Hatching Eggs! 

Buff Brahma, Barred Plymouth Rock, Olive Eggers and Easter Eggers. We also are incubating our own barn yard eggs. 

Brooder Set up! 

Set up and ready for chicks! 

The chicks will be in this brooder for 4 to 6 weeks. 

Hoop Coop

Once the young chickens are old enough to be outside, they will be lounging in the Hoop Coop until sold. 

The Hoop Coop is full of baby birds!